1. Don’t you think that the big players like google, Microsoft, sun having superior technology cartelization will happen? This will have a negative impact overall.
Answer: We have already seen the joining of hands between Nokia and Microsoft. We believe that there will be an increase in such activities due to digital convergence.
But we don’t think that cartelization will happen because digital convergence is not only about the power of web but also about the inherent qualities which each product possesses. Digital convergence is about the blend of technologies from information, media, entertainment etc. So the big players like Microsoft will have to work together with the small players and come up with a product which has best of both. This can be a possibility but just one player sweeping it all over doesn’t look possible.
2. With IPv4 ending what will happen to the non- compatible systems? Won’t it lead to divergence? Won’t they be outdated?
Answer: Normally the incoming system has backwards compatibility and it supports to a limited extent the features of outgoing system. So, the websites etc which will be rolled out from new IP will support the older ones. At the device level i.e. will the old routers support the new IP addresses etc? From what Cisco, D-Link etc are doing, it looks that the new routers, modems being rolled out by them will support IPv6 and hence, we don’t see the shift of IPv4 to IPv6 as a challenge to digital convergence.
3. Convergence works on including more complexity to provide more services. How does this trade-off works against providing a simple interface?
Answer: Yes, we agree that convergence comes with a trade-off. Convergence adds to the existing complexity and users need to select a few from the many options available. However, a simple interface is not the solution. With the companies gaining experience in developing products based on convergence, we believe that the products will become more and more user friendly and people will get accustomed to such products.
4. How far is the convergence relevant and made adaptable for the older generation?
Answer: Convergence is relevant to all generations. The companies which are venturing into this field are currently on the upside of learning curve and very soon they will realize the importance of coming up with products which is user friendly and includes the tastes, preferences and styles of all the generations. So may be now, we have iPhone which might be a little difficult to use for the older generation but very soon it will become a part of the society and people will get used to it. For Ex: when mobiles were launched for the first time in India, older men and women find it difficult to use it but now we have the same lot not only making calls but also playing games on mobiles.
5. What economic forces are working to make digital convergence a reality?
Answer: With the current recession, end users are more inclined towards products, which are cheaper and offer more services. This has led to a new drive in the ICT sector companies to come with products, which offer a varied mix of quality services in cheaper prices. So, users new look at the way they spend money is definitely going to drive the digital convergence revolution further.
6. Getting all things in a same product, in case of theft that might pose a security issue. How to tackle that ?
Answer: This is very valid point. How about a device which is linked to you biometrically and even if someone steals it, no one can use it without your biometric verification? It is one such way to secure the data. Companies will definitely have other ways of making the products secure, as without security of the products, we cannot think about the success of digital convergence revolution.
7. What’s the next big thing digital convergence or divergence?
Answer: Digital Convergence. For more insights, please read our article http://dizitalconverzence.blogspot.com/2011/02/future-of-business-future-of-technology.html
8. Is there some threshold of convergence surely it cant go on forever? What will be the business impact and adaptation in this case?
Answer: Digital convergence will have the same impact or in fact, much heavier impact on the business as the evolution of internet had. Businesses will have to modify their processes to suit the emerging needs and conditions of the market. We will see a lot of merger, acquisitions and joint ventures amongst companies to overcome the problem of providing multiple varied services in one product. The threshold of digital convergence will be decided by the success and acceptance which the products based on digital convergence technology get.
9. Can convergence totally overcome divergence? Diverse cultures , SOA of different IT and ICT and business model? Where according to you do you see the future of ICT and digital convergence leading to on a global arena?
Answer: ICT is the backbone of digital convergence. All the convergence that we see today has been made possible only due to ICT. SOA can greatly enhance convergence as SOA makes the use of business logic simple and cost effective. With SOA, it is easier to amalgamate the various processes and it is easier to merge the existing systems into one entity. Now, will convergence totally overcome divergence is something that we will leave to time but we feel that 100% convergence is not possible as people will not like to have everything in one place, it will make things complex.
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